Game's For 4GB RAM

 We're in a golden age of open world games, sprawling sandboxes where player choice rules above all else. Sure, there are stories, quests, missions, and goals, but players are free to complete them at their own pace. From fantasy realms to simulated galaxies, from modern cities to post-apocalyptic wastelands, the best open world games give players the freedom to choose their own path—to do what they want, when they want—and provide an interesting and rewarding setting for their self-guided adventures.
Here are the best open world games on PC.

Assassin's Creed: Origins 

Origins' world is by far the best in the entire series and one of the most beautiful locales of any open world game ever. Our reviewer Chris loved how lively Ubisoft's take on Ancient Egypt felt despite its sheer size.
"Towns and villages are bustling with citizens, farmers, workers, and soldiers. There's plenty of dangerous (and eventually tamable) wildlife from vicious crocs and hippos lurking in the Nile to lions and hyenas prowling the sand dunes and rocky hills to flamingos and egrets that take flight when you thunder past on horseback."
There's gold in them thar hills too. After nearly 35 hours of play to complete the main quest, Chris still hadn't even visited entire sections of the map, meaning there were entire quests and characters and communities he'd yet to even catch a glimpse of. Assassin's Creed: Origins proves that Ubisoft is capable of reviving interest in a tired series through sheer artistry, and not necessarily by adding more bullet point back-of-the-box features. Ancient Egypt is just a great place to be, and now you can explore it without murdering people thanks to the free addition of an educational tourism mode.  


Subnautica's vast ocean environment and the diverse underwater biomes provide one of the most striking, gorgeous, and terrifying open worlds in PC gaming. Games are rarely—and literally—so sublime. 
Reviewer Phillipa explains her fascination so: "I adore the way the lighting and the art create the sense of each biome as being a distinct underwater creation, both alien and familiar. I love following the creatures around—even the more aggressive ones—and will happily front crawl my way into a curious labyrinthine cave system without remembering to lay a path of glowing markers so I can get back out."
The simulation is fairly surface level, but Subnautica's accolades are best reserved for how it creates the illusion of ecosystem. Big fish eat the little ones, and their respective physical and behavioral attributes make sense for where you find them. It doesn't hurt that most of them look quite nice against the darkness of the deep ocean blue. And between all the exploration at the behest of natural curiosity, a story sort of just happens to you. To say anything more would spoil an excellent sci-fi mystery.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 

Buggy as it may be, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open world RPG slash immersive sim whose ambition outpaces its problems—most of the time. Not only is the small slice of medieval Bohemia beautifully rendered, but it's a complex (and loosely historical) simulation of life and death there too. 
Andy Kelly attempts to summarize the scope in his review: "If you get caught stealing, you’ll end up serving some time in jail. If you unsheathe your sword during a fist fight, your opponent will back down and maybe even apologise. Nobles will be more willing to speak to you if you’ve had a bath. If your reputation in a town is especially high, people on the street will shout your name and sing your praises." 
He goes on for a while, and even then, barely touches on everything. The detail in the simulation is almost absurd, a depth most big studios wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole, but Kingdom Come manages to keep everything together well enough. And through it all you play a naive, vulnerable, unremarkable young man. Small dangers cast tall shadows over Henry, a lovable oaf, imbuing a plain world with the mystery and danger we look for in great open world adventures.

Forza Horizon 3

Forza Horizon 3 is a racing game, but it's not only a racing game. It's a huge, sprawling, beautiful sandbox full of city streets, pristine beaches, lush forests, and dusty deserts representing a condensed but still sizable slice of Australia's Outback. Its vast and varied terrain gives us lots to do: races, challenges, stunt jumps, collectible hunts, not to mention hundreds of cars to play with. Forza Horizon 3 is the best of an already excellent series in terms of size, scope, variety, and enjoyment.

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl


In Stalker, the open world is your enemy. Gamma pockets, anomalies and radioactive storms can end you in moments. Any building can hide scavengers or horrifying mutated creatures. Ammo and armour is scarce, and you’re lost in a wasteland so bleak as to be almost completely alienating. But as the Stalkers know, the Zone has a strange allure. Explore the blasted husks of Ukranian factories and apartment blocks, and try not to be too unnerved by the lifeless quiet. After a while, Stalker’s desolation becomes beautiful.

Grand Theft Auto 5

This is what money is for: creating a kind of pastiche of a real-world location that’s so staggeringly accurate in atmosphere and details that it’s actually better than being in the real thing. Los Santos represents the meticulous approach Rockstar gave to the compact Liberty City in GTA 4 and brought it to the scale of 2004’s San Andreas—and the result is an open world of such a high standard that it’ll only likely be topped by Rockstar itself. Between GTA 5's strong multi-protagonist campaign and the mad playground of GTA Online, there’s well over 100 hours of chases and gunfights across land, air and sea for those who want it here.
GTA 5 is also highly moddable. Here's our list of the best mods for Grand Theft Auto 5.
This Link For Mod :

Metal Gear Solid V - Phantom Pain

5 Game AAA Ramah Spek yang Bisa Dimainkan di RAM 4GB
Metal Gear Solid V - Phantom Pain merupakan game open-world dengan unsur stealth-actionyang dikembangkan oleh Konami dan dirilis pada tahun 2015 lalu. Game ini merupakan kreasi original dari seorang jenius asal Jepang, Hideo Kojima.


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